Cancer Information

Non-urgent advice: Are you or someone you know recovering from cancer?

The CAN-Move Programme is a free 12 week structured Exercise and Physical Activity Programme for anyone having or recovering from cancer treatment. 

Benefits of becoming more active include:

  • Help’s to reduce impact of treatments and their side effects
  • Improved strength, stamina and mobility
  • Helps to manage weight which can help reduce the risk of 13 different types of cancer
  • Reduce the risk of re-occurrence of certain types of cancers by as much as 40% (Macmillan)
  • Increases in energy levels and management of fatigue (reported improvements of up to 88% reduced fatigue scores through completion of the CAN-Move Programme)
  • Helps improve wellbeing and mood (reported improvement of up to 85% improved well being scores through completion of the CAN-Move Programme)

The CAN-Move Programme includes:

  • Exercise in a relaxed atmosphere, delivered to you individually or in a group setting, providing support and encouragement
  • Face to face and online support available
  • Includes supervised gym sessions and specialist CAN-Move Circuit classes
  • Wider activities of Salford Wellbeing Walks, Wellbeing Gardening sessions, Tai Chi, Yoga, Pilates and Swimming
  • Patient led, tailored and supported programme of prescribed exercise/activity
  • Opportunity to exercise in a Salford Community Leisure Centre nearest to you

How do I join the programme?

Ask your GP or Practice Care Co-ordinator